September 8th, 1914

En route on the 5:31 pm train to Yonkers [in the Park Ave tunnel at this juncture]
September 8th 1914

My dear loving sweetheart:-

Your letter of yesterday received in jig time this morning (it bore the N.Y. postmark “6:30 a.m.”). I have suddenly realized that there is a Marie Chabaud in the flesh and that she will be back to my home so soon that it will almost take my breath away. How time does fly after all (although it did seem like an age until today).

I shall be at Grand Central Station to meet you on the 11:20 p.m. train, but am wondering how to act in the presence of your sister Alice. Shall we exhibit any signs of affection upon your arrival, or would it be liable to get to your parents’ ears? You are I believe keeping things secret, as far as they are concerned, for the present. I suppose I will be embarassed with congratulations from both Auntie & Clem when I get over to Young St. again, although there is no definite occasion for any as yet. However we can discuss those things better in person (verbally). I am certain that my mother, Bill, Louis & Harry will come over with me on Sunday afternoon next, so consider that settled.

As for Saturday next, I should like to have you make a visit in the machine with me to the house of some very dear friends of mine (married folks) whom you will like very much (Saturday afternoon). Is that O.K.?

I acknowledge the receipt from you of 2,000,000,000,000,000,000 (two quintillion) kisses. Good-bye my dear sweetheart. I trust you will have a safe journey home. I am getting close to Yonkers now (arrive in 2 minutes). With love and kisses galore, I am ever

Your loving sweetheart



(Comments: First letter I’ve done in a year! Time does fly. Anyway, “in jig time” was a new phrase to me; it means “extremely quickly”. As referred to in the last letter, Marie is away with her sister and returning to New York shortly, and they are still looking to keep the engagement largely a secret at this point. I also liked Tom referring to his automobile as “the machine”, and he’s upped the kisses to 2 quintillion (a previous letter referred to only 1 quintillion). – TC)

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